Heating, ventilation & air conditioning
Air with the right conditions
All buildings and the people who use them need air at the right temperature, volume and quality to maintain a pleasant indoor climate. Each installation makes specific demands on the solutions and the components they contain.
That’s where Aircoil comes into the picture.
Heating - Ventilation - Air conditioning

In contrast to countries located closer to the equator, Sweden needs to supply heating to homes, offices, hospitals and schools during a large part of the year.
Heating can be supplied in various ways, but there must always be at least one heat source in the form of a boiler, a heat pump or a district heating installation, for example.
Heat is distributed through heat exchangers implemented in the building’s water- or air-borne heating system.
Heating coils
Aircoil supplies coils for these heat-bearing systems:
- Water – with or without frost protection
- Steam
- Cooling medium – R32, ammonia and CO2, for example
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Our AC MasterSelection calculation program makes it simple to calculate heating coils for water and coolant.
Do you need coils for steam, CO2 or ammonia? Contact us

Ventilation & Air conditioning
Ventilating a given space means replacing polluted air with new, fresh air. This makes sure to remove odours, moisture, carbon dioxide and other impurities.
Air conditioning is intended to adapt the condition of the air in order to achieve the desired result; this may, for example, involve heating or cooling the air to generate a more pleasant indoor climate, but it may also have to do with preparing the air for a process.
The terms “ventilation” and “air conditioning” thus differ by definition, but it is not uncommon for there to be some overlap between them; it is usual to condition newly ventilated fresh air in modern ventilation systems.
Every year, Aircoil supplies around 100,000 heat exchangers of different kinds; many of these are used in air conditioning systems. Either to provide comfort cooling or heating, or for heat recovery.
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Air temperature
Air temperature is the most common parameter for measuring thermal comfort. All premises and buildings make different demands on how much work needs to be done to maintain an appropriate indoor climate.
During the winter months, the indoor air temperature should be between 18 and 23˚C, while in the summer, temperatures of up to 25˚C are tolerable for short periods. Temperatures outside this range often feel cold and draughty, or hot and uncomfortable.
Air humidity
The moisture content of the air is another important parameter to take into account when designing systems for a pleasant indoor climate, because it can have a direct impact on how the climate in a given room is experienced.
In practice, it does not have as much influence as the indoor temperature, but if the air is both warm and extremely humid, it can cause significant discomfort.